I decided to bake my famous organic apple crumble pie for my co-workers. They came out out great. I am really proud of my pies..I worked hard to perfect the pie recipe and I am happy to say I have mastered the art of making pies. This is an apple crumble so no pie crust on top...its just crumbles. I also brought some Mitchell's Vanilla Ice Cream to go with it.
Next my friend had a baby so I wanted to make her a basket full of goodies. So I baked chewy chocolate chip cookies..it was thick and chewy. The secret? You take them out while its still kinda doughy in the middle and let it back on the hot cookiesheet. Also its a different recipe than the thin crispy ones.
I also baked some buttered Spritz cookies. To get the fun shape I used my icing container pipe. One of these days I am going to invest in one of those nice Ateco Piping bag and tips. Its on my amazon wishlist to remind myself to get them. I think I'll purchase them soon. I am dying to make cupcakes again. And I also made raisin/cinnamon bread from my lovely bread maker.